This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I met Zeb for the first time when I was 14. I knew him then as Dark Fury. For a while he was just another swordsman. He has a sence of humor that is hard to miss, or ignore. His kindness and warm heart has always drawn me to him, like few people do.

As I spent more time with him, he became one of the closest people to me. There is a reason I bond with some, and not with others. People change, on the surface. The core, the meaning, the 'spirit' of them never changes. How they percive the world changes, how they react changes. It is the outward appearence and action, not inward, that changes. The drive, modivation, and spirit rarely; if ever; change. Their heart is constant. The change is what most people see. The heart is what people see when they become intimately deeply close. Those who see the heart in me, are those I allow to get close; with only one exception.... With Zeb I have a deep bond, we each see the others heart. The bond I have with him is for life.

When I was living with my parents I was always trying to get out of the house, or stay away from home as long as I could. There were many places I would go, just to stay away. Then there were places I would go, places I never wanted to leave. Those places had an extra special appeal. I felt safe. More then that, I felt loved. Being there was that feeling you get when you wake up in a warm cozy bed. Not to warm not to cold and oh so soft, a place you never want to leave. Leaving those places was like geting out of bed, grudgingly and always hard to do.

There were only 3 places, more the people then the place, like that. Zeb and Leslis' place was always one of them. It was a no brainer when moving in with them became an option. When I had to choose wich one to continue living with, the difference in relationship was factor that made my decision. Lesli was a part of that feeling from back then. She always helped, immensly. It is Zeb that I am close to, but Lesli is a very good friend. She gave much of that cozy, warm, loving feeling. I admire her for that.

Living with them changed things. Things became full of drama and trouble. We all got older, and Life got much harder. Things have changed. Remembering those times.... They are part of the few reasons I have to wake up in the morning.

Things may change. I may find one day that I can not follow him on his life path.
I know that we will always be close. My hope is if the day ever comes where our paths part; that one day they will meet again. Like two wavy lines running paralell. Crossing here and there, running together for great lengths, and every now and then bending out in opisite directions.

May our paths always come together. My Love, My Friend,


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