Fall out....
Chapter one.
"To order Pizza, or not to order Pizza, that is the temptation."
"To order Pizza, or not to order Pizza, that is the temptation."
He sat, breathing heavy. The desk He was crouched under was dusty, and torn. Someone, he didn't know who; anymore, spoke to him.
"That was our last one." The unknown voice said, crouched and peering around a cubical wall. He knew that ment they only had one coppier remaining. They had to do something. They couldn't take much more of this attack. All the maintinance personell had been dead for a long time. Without them things had fallen apart quickly. The equipment was always breaking down and with out somone to fix it, things fell apart quickly. Their paper supplys were running low and were short on ink. The faxers had been the first to go, and then the printers. They had lots of printer ink. They sometimes dreamed of ways of making it work with the coppiers. Then there would be some kind of reprieve from this maddness. A tall man, in a suit too small for his size, dived in to the cubical, as a loud explosion was heard. His suit was raggy, dirty and tattered. His face looked like a man on the brink of falling apart.
"They're all gone."
He said, and then he looked like He was going to cry. The man under the desk qickly reached out and smacked the new commer across the face
"pull yourslef together man!" He said, "We can't loose it now, there's still a chance!".
The new commer looked dumbfounded as he said
"but all the printers are down, the faxes have been out for weeks, we lost our last electric hole punch today, and that explosion you heard was our last electric stapler; what else is left?!" He demanded.
"I thought we already lost the staplers?" The man under the desk asked; curiously.
"We were trying to fix it. Then Bill put too many papers in at once. He was working too fast and got sloppy. Because of it we lost a ream of paper and some pen ink too. Bills gone, he couldn't take anymore. He just....just....." His voice trailed off, as it broke, and the new commer started to sobb. The unknown voice behind the desk finished his sentance for him. "He just.... walked out. I thought you said there was still something left?"
The man under the desk took some time to let it all sink in before answering
What was left?!!!!!!!
3/02/2007 09:11:00 AM
Hey dude, awesome beginning. Looking forward to the rest.
3/03/2007 07:39:00 AM
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