This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Day 2..or would it be 3....

So my workout is going good. So far I exersised on mon wen and thur and stretched on wen and thu. I will do my workout & stretch tomorrow and sat. That means that this week I will have missed two stretches and one workout. Speeking of stretching.... I think I should do a mid morning stretch. It has been a while since I ran and I may become a bit sore if I don't stretch again....

Now we'll have to see if I can keep this up for more then a week. The longest I have ever "self modivated" my self to keep a work out rutine is maybe a bit more then a week. So I think if I can mannage a month then it will become habbitual. I can't look at it that way though. I have to look at it as an every day rutine. Like tooth brushing. Its not something that I do for a while and stop. Every day. I need to get it in to my head that this is something for my health and make sure I do it. The one "healthy" life style that will be unpredictable is food. In that it is variable on finances. Food is one of the "low" prioritys on the list. I reason that, if I don't have 'X' then the money for food wont be here later. So if I get 'Y' (cheep trash food eg: cup o noodles) now then I will continue to have food until I can aford real food. So the plan is to get to eating a proper egg or skillett breakfast of somekind, as the biggest meal. Then a nice turky or healthy sandwitch for lunch, and a small Fish dinner. We will see if finances allow it.

My book is going almost on sedual. I didn't mannage the whole 3 pages yesterday so I need to do 4 or 5 today. I also need to make a time line. A friend, who is taking novelest classes, reccomended that I do so. He also recommended that I base my daily work load on the time line * today i will get this portion of the time line written/ or every day I will get this much of the time line written* in place of doing 'x' pages a day. I like that idea. It will give me a feeling of progress and not just rutine. Ok so about that story....

*I hate executives who think they know it all! "yes sir, we moved the room" " I don't recoginse those people" "sir they all said they were with 'X' and you say you are with 'X'. " both the receptionist and myself had to explain it to him before he would believe it. Girrr.*


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