So I heard back about my car. In laymens terms it has a bad crank shaft berring, a bad rear main oil seal, and both front outer CV joints are bad. So I bought a new car. Its mostly new. 50k '04. I am thinking that tonight when we do the rest of the paper work that if it is doable I am going to upgrade to NEW, NEW. It is a bout the same price and 50k less miles. Different car so we'll see... But the new car I can do on a lease. Which means that after 2 years I can decide to buy it, or trade it in, or just be done with it. As is I would be stuck with 5 years of a car that will do the job, do it well, do it right, do it reliably, but I don't like. The NEW car I like more< key word is More not LOVE. But the new car also lets me choose something else in 2 years if I decide I want to. :) If I can get it thats where its going. In the mean time it makes me nervous. It'll be 10% interest. I have GOOD credit. I should be able to get it. We shall see...(ominous music plays)
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