This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Today or yesterday?

It seems that every now and then, I get all twiderpated over the idea of having a 'someone'
in my life. However more and more, like today, I prefer the idea of being alone. I want to get away from all the drama. I want my life to be dramatically boring. I want to replace the 'excitement' of drama, with actuall activitys. To be excied by doing, or feeling.

Enter phlosophy moment for the day.

In my 'circles' of friends drama seems to be the main event. It is as though everyone, and I have been no exception, does it because they are lazy. It is easier to spend time gossiping, then thinking. It is easier to allow gossip to put thoughts there, in place of making thoughts. I want to get away from this lazy life style. I want my friends to do so as well. However I can only stay my place. I can't tell or even ask them to follow me. I can answer questions, I can tell them what I am doing if they ask. I can't tell them "you should...".
End phlosophy Wendsday.

I am somewhat nervous. I have court today, and testing tomorrow. I am managing to stay calm about it ,but little knots are starting to form in my stomach. I stayed up till 2 or 3 lastnight. I need to stop doing that. I am dozing off and its only 1020. I still have to appear in court, and do my handcuff training. I won't be off till 7 or 8 tonight. Not a good ending to my entry but I need to let my brain rest... maby just zone out for a while...


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