This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

TESTING!!!!!! *jumps and screems*

I GOT CALLED BACK! The Federal Reserve Bank called me in for a pleminary testing. On Thursday the 16th at 6PM I go in to pass every test they throw at me with flying colors! I will get an email on Tuesday that will give me the exact address and details on what to bring (eg clothes etc..) and what to be prepared for. There is the chance of a psycological exam, physical exam, and knowledge test. I have my foot in the door and I am going to do everything in my power to get all the way in that door. I am puting the novella on hold as well as any other side prodjects. Starting today I need to get physically and mentaly in shape. I need to brush up on my math and science skills. I already have all the physical preparedness I can do. I will just 'step up' the intensity of my work out, just to be safe. *YAY!!!!!* I can't wait. I am going to go in on Thrsday and give them everything they are looking for! In return I will get excelent pay ($13hr starting) and Federal benifits medical, dental, vision, life, and a retirement! In the end, if you could get the benifets in money, I would essentially be making around $20 hr fresh out of training. There are 'down' sides. I will probably endup with graveyard shifts. I will also probably end up working weekends. Overtime is required, and as the 'new' guy I would be the first up to have to put in the odd hours. The up side to OT is it pays aprox. $19.50hr. I can trade working 2 jobs for that kind of pay. I will still be working long hours but I will be geting mucho dinero for my trouble. After a while I can pay to get some schooling and get a more... desireable shift etc.. In the mean time I was just served with a Subpoena. I will have to miss 'x' number of hours of work, which means I miss out on 'x' amount of pay! *grumbles* I can't even contribute to the case involved. All I have is a month old memorie, and as many know how 'reliable' my memorie is. *GIR* ok i need some good ol chess to get my mind off things...


Blogger Forrest said...

Congrats on the call!! The job is yours, just go get it!

11/09/2006 11:47:00 PM

Blogger Syhalla said...

Super kudos dude. Celebrate all of life's little triumphs, just do it responsibly.

11/10/2006 02:00:00 PM


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