Thanks giving etc...
Thanks giving started with family. It was much more plesant then I expected. The food was good, it was quiet, etc... The tradition of the single kids going to a movie was changed. There are now only 4 single kids left. One of whom lives in New York now so, He wasn't there. As such, we invited the grand kids along, aka the nieces and nephues. We watched "Happy Feet". It is a good movie. :)
Then I joined my roomates for a night of food and games with one of their familys. Over all it was a good day.
Then back to work for Friday. Saturday the car auction was a bust. There were only 2 vehicles worth looking at. Both were over priced and frankly even if they weren't I'd rather take my chances with the Subaru. Then I droped off the bowflex to my brother inlaws house and picked up my old bench press and weights. I then cleaned my room and set up my new, old weight set. My room is a little sloppy but its clean. I need to replace a few items on the weights to make them safe, and then I can incorperate them into my morning workout. :)
Saturday night was the hilight of my week. I acompinied Aleatha, to Area 51's fettish night, to promote her Party Gals business. Its an 'on the side' income for her. A few people showed up to help pass out cards. I dressed up in a pair of penstriped pants, suspenders, and a tie. I debated on just a tie, but decided they wouldn't let me in with out pants. I also had a bit of eye liner to add to the effect. The red hair dye only shows up in sunlight so it only gave vague hilights for the evening. From what I hear, *always a great way to start a sentance* , I was quite the 'looker'. At dinner later they told me that both genders were eying me all night. Anjuli told me that a guy even aproched her 'inquiring' about me. lmao the irony was/is just killing me. To start the night I had a drink. I always do better dancing when im a little... more relaxed. Then I had another, which of-corse was a little more then where I wanted to be. By 10p my body started to shut down, as per my normal sleeping schedual. So when I was sober again I was so tired that everyone took my drowzyness as intoxication. I played on it a bit so I could get a few z's before heading home. ;) We didn't leave the club until 1a. It was a good night and I throughly enjoyed the night. We went and ate at villiage inn before heading home, AND I went home, and slept alone. yay! No booty calls or anything else. :)
I spent sunday playing Halo2, online, and doing laundry. I started both at 11a and finished around 11p. 12hrs of laundry!... hurm and Halo2. :) I still didn't finish the laundry. It is all clean and dry, but I have a bit to fold, iron, and put away. Something about just one more game and then I'll finish the laundry... oh just one more and then I'll do it.... :)
Just one more line and then I'll get back to work...
I droped the Subaru off to the mechanic, this morning, and walked the 6 blocks to work. They will call me when they know anything.
oh just one more line and then I'll get back to work.......
So I am going to return to my writing, for those who keep up on it. :)
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