Smiles go miles
So last night I told one of my fellow crew that someone else would be covering for me for one of the performances. He responded by telling me she could only do the show, if she did it topless. So long story short, Syhalla, Ken says hi.
In other news. Just how weak can my will power get!?!?! I tell myself that I am not going to do the whole sex thing untill I am with someone long enough to become comfortable with them. Yet here I am considering it. So the woman who works some of the "special effects" for the show has caught my interest. You could cut the sexuall tention around her with a knife. She isn't puting out, persay, but the cloud of feramones that surrounds her seem to linger in my sensory perseption untill fall asleep at the end of the night. Hearing that someone has a kid, usually is a big turn of for me. That is to say that if they have a kid I loose all interest in anything outside of sex. So normally nothing happens with such. However with her, even though she has a kid, I am still interested in more then sex. The more in depth I think about it, the more cautious I am. Normally I would say to hell with it all and ask her to dinner. However I am going to do my best to use restraint and try to make a friend first. Then if things pan out great. If not then I'll have a new friend. The hardest part is going to be keeping my sexuall "urges" in check. If I can keep my head clear and focused then I should be ok. :) We shall see if I still have the skills I honed in highschool.....
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