This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Living Single *Update 12-8-06*

So I started this blog three months ago this month. The point is that I am going to be single and try to be happy doing so. So far so good. I have the occasional low, but over all I am more content then ever before in my life. When I am with someone I have the occasional high point, but it brings severe low points. Alone, this time, I am finding things to be much more melow. I don't mind having highs and lows, I just mind the lows being lower then the highs are high. This week I am more stressed then I have been, because of the car. If I can get one more promotion then I can relax about that too. I would like a nice relationship with a woman, where we are both putting equil effort in to it. However I will be fine with out one. This time around, the more time that passes, the more comfidint I am about being single.
I have a GOOD home to live in, although messy, it is a great place. I have food EVERY DAY!!!! I have a NEW car and a GOOD job. I don't know if I am happy, but I do know that I apreciate the structure of my life, more so because of how I used to live. I look at my life, in the abstract, and I have it REALY REALY GOOD. No more roches. No more nights freezing my toes off. No more nights going hungry. *holds back a tear*

"never saw the sun, shining so bright. Never saw things going so right."

Here's to the Single Life. *clink*

(I love this song *turn up your volume if you can't hear it*)


Blogger Kait said...

I should endeavor to undertake such a task as being happy to be single. I admire your goal.

12/13/2006 11:28:00 AM


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