This is a log of my endevor to live the single life, and be happy doing it. I will no longer try to force love in to my life. If love finds me, then I will not turn it away, untill then, may happy days fill my sails with wind.

Monday, January 29, 2007

".....I heard the news today Oh boy! turns out...."

DOOOOM! DOOOOM I SAY! Doooooooooom! Doooooom doom!

Apparently this was on the news before I wrote my last blog. BIG SUPPRIZE! It would seem that I am not the only one who saw it happening!

So this weekend was a bit of a bust. Not many purchases, and not so many bookings either. I had some guy call me at 2a. He claimed that I gave him my # at Area. ...right... and I got stupid when? If I find out who he is I am going to slug him, or lay him out, for waking me up at 2a. *in vash voice* "Scareeeey"

I updated my OKCUPID and I think I have done my best job ever at 'selling myself'. I have a good prospect in Idaho. She is 27 Budist and looks awsome. The catch is the 150 miles between us. :P *sigh*

On an off toppic note,

Spanking, and I agree. I know that it is easier to raise children with TV and corpral punishment, but easier does not make it good for anyone. The child, parent, and socioety all loose; when the easy way out is taken. All too often we teach children baised on instinct, and not what is good for them. Instinct would dictate, more in men, to go out and mate with any one possible. reproduce reproduce reproduce. Is that a good idea? No. Aids, Hiv, etc... are just a few reasons why. Instinct would dictate to spank, good idea? No. When you use corpral punishment it doesn't teach 'thats bad' it teaches 'don't get caught'. I think a good way to teach is to teach 'choices'. Teach a child that their life is thier own and they have to choose how to live it. They have to decide what they want to have happen in life. Teach choice, not punishment. Naturaly that is just in my nonparent opinion.

Good day to you all. :P


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