Good bye my Friend.
I admired Josh from the first time we met. I met him for the first time at Sword class. He was on leave from the Army. He did an endurance match against everyone in the circle. He won against all of us. He then returned to finish his tour of duty.
Five years ago He came home, met and started dating a close friend of mine. After sometime I was informed that things between them were... well, Joshauas promiscuity is no secret.
"To defeat your enemy you must first know them so well, that you love them for the same reasons they love themselves."
I have always taken this to heart. So I got close to Josh. I learned everthing I could about him, in hopes that if or when the time came; I could protect my friend. My sucess in the matter is negligable. She made her own choices and things went the way She chose to go. When I learned about him his past hit closer to home then I had antisipated. I had not expected his "grumpy man story" to remind me so much of my own life. He did not choose to share that story openly in life, and I will not betray that in His death. His ordeals were much more intense then my own, but it was easy for me to relate to him.
He spent his life much the way I have. Trying to find a good laugh to keep his spirits up.
"so this guy walks in to a talent agents office"
I have never been close to many people. Anjuli is the top of that list. Zeb, Aleatha and Josh tie for second. That list just got shorter.
Good bye my friend. Good bye my love. I will miss you.
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